Book Blog Rubric for Students



Level 4

Level 3

Level 2

Level 1

Level 0

Answered Prompt/Question

You show a complete understanding of what you have read.

You show a good understanding of what you have read.

You show some understanding of what you have read.

You tried, but it is difficult to tell from what you wrote that you understand the story.

You typed nothing on your blog.


You get all the facts from the story right.

You get major facts from the story right.

You may have made some mistakes about what you have read.

You made a big mistake about what happened to the story.

What you typed had nothing to do with the story.


You go beyond the story to connect it to what you have learned and/or explain why you agree or disagree with the story.

You tell more than just the story and can match it with something that is not in the story.

You use examples from the story that connect to what you already know or have seen but are limited or incomplete.

You copied the part of the story that answered the question.

You copied from the story to just fill the comment.


You use examples and can tell how it matches things you know about and what you think about the story is written.

You use examples from the story, some of your own experiences and other things you have read or seen.


You typed things that had nothing to do with the story.

You did not type in English.


Punctuations, grammar, and spelling are correct.

Punctuation, grammar and spelling are mostly correct.

Punctuation, grammar and spelling have a few mistakes.

You tried your best to include correct punctuation, grammar, and spelling correctly.

You typed that you would not do the task.



 ______________ out of 20 points possible