4 Points
3 Points
2 Points
1 Point
Salutation and Closing
Salutation and closing have no errors in capitalization
and punctuation. Placed
Salutation and closing have 1-2 errors and are placed
Salutation and closing have 3 or more errors. One or
both note correctly placed
Salutation and/or closing missing
Body of Letter
Sentences and paragraphs are complete, well-constructed,
varied vocabulary and sentence
All sentences are complete and well constructed with no
fragments or run-ons. Paragraphing is generally well done.
Most sentences are complete and well constructed.
Paragraphs are unorganized.
Many sentence fragments or run on sentences. No evidence of paragraphing
Grammar and Spelling
No errors in grammar or spelling in body of letter
Only 1-2 errors in capitalization or punctuation in body
of letter
Only 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling in body of letter
More than 4 errors in spelling and/or grammar in body of
Letter is handwritten with no distracting errors.
Letter is neatly written, easy to read with 1-2
distracting errors.
Letter is legible with several distracting errors.
Letter is wrinkled
Letter is illegible, with many distracting errors. Letter
is wrinkled